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MiDBiZ currently has a growing number of members from the local business community joining us. We are always excited to welcome new and returning members. MiDBIZ supports retailers, business, services, community groups and not-for profit organisations in Springwood, Yellow Rock, Valley Heights, Winmalee, Hawkesbury Heights, and Faulconbridge areas and welcomes businesses from all over the Blue Mountains. 

Joining MiDBiZ brings many advantages, as you can read below, and your partnership is significant to us. The more you are involved in MiDBiZ activities, and its members benefits, the more you will receive out of you membership. 

10 reasons to join midbiz

Gain a voice in government

MiDBiZ can help to give local business a voice. Being a MiDBiZ member will allow you to participate in activities and conversations to shape, grow and celebrate     our local business community. 

MiDBiZ events and programs

MiDBiZ events and programs provide members with great opportunities to get to know new people and expand their prospect base. MiDBiZ events are                                                  innovative and fun ways to help members meet potential customers, clients and                              vendors. Join networking events and workshops at member prices.

Increase your visibility in the community

As a new member of MiDBiZ, you may be listed in the MiDBiZ newsletter, e-newsletter, on Facebook and can have the opportunity to be highlighted in other     MiDBiZ publications. You also can grow your business by advertising with the     MiDBiZ and sponsoring events.

Make business contacts

MiDBiZ fundamental mission is to generate more business activity for the community. MiDBiZ initiates more business-to-business commerce and more     opportunities for networking and connecting local professionals than is     available through most other local organisations.

Membership brings credibility to your business

You can increase positive perception among consumers and business owners when you’re identified as a member of MiDBiz. If you make it known that your     product or service makes great client or employee gifts, you could wind up with     a very nice flow of business from your fellow members, for example.

Access to members-only discounts and services

Use various discount programs help save money. Every business model is different but there may be access to member only discounts by being a member     of the MiDBiZ community.  As a member you will be able to purchase our 'Shop                                 Local' bags to support and promote local business. 

Promotion and publicity

With a MiDBiZ membership, you can reach potential clients through member exclusive advertising and opportunities for business-to-business advertising and   publicity. You are also able to promote your business in our online  member                                     directory. You will also be able to advertise you business offers via our social   platforms to 3,000 people in our community network.

Acquire customer referrals

MiDBiZ receives calls from individuals and businesses looking for potential vendors, and MiDBiZ members typically recommend MiDBiZ members - its who    they know and trust.

Create networking opportunities

MiDBiZ have numerous committees and serving on one of them provides numerous networking opportunities as well as professional leadership     development. You can build your business while promoting developments of     keen interest to local businesses and the community at large.

Receive MiDBiZ newsletters

Newsletters provide new member information, interesting information about operating a local business, articles about the local community, a community     calendar and details about up-and-coming chamber events, among other things.

There are 3 types of membership genres available to join MiDBiZ.

1. Business membership (Bundle for up to 2 people from the same business)

Joining as a Business Member offers a myriad of benefits tailored. With this membership, you can enrol up to two individuals from your organisation, allowing both to leverage the resources and opportunities provided by MiDBiZ. Whether you're seeking networking opportunities, advocacy support, or access to valuable resources and events, our Business Membership ensures that your company stays connected and helps to empower the local business community.

2. Not for profit /Community organisation membership

This membership level is designed to support businesses dedicated to serving the community, promotion social causes, or advocacy nonprofit initiatives. By joining MiDBiZ you gain access to a network of like minded businesses, valuable resources, and opportunities, for collaboration and advocacy.

3. Student membership 

This student membership exists to offer an invaluable opportunity to connect with local businesses, professional and mentors. Students can gain access to exclusive events, workshops and resources aimed at enhancing your skills, knowledge amd career prospects. MiD BiZ is here to support you. 


2/167-169 Macquarie Rd Springwood NSW 

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